I’ve had multiple roles in several organizations throughout the years. I also belong to the cusp of the generation who experienced the transition from print to digital first hand, and I was at a pivotal place in my career when the pandemic hit. The chase of all the shifts and the race against the speed of life initially made me feel like I was stuck in a “generalist-constantly-finding-my-place” phase, not knowing that all the while, I was always where I needed to be at that moment.
As I look back, I am grateful for the breadth of experience and valuable skills I gained through the different jobs I ventured into. I was an OIC brand supervisor, a visual composer, a college professor for a term, an article writer, a graphic designer for BTL, a deputy head of design focused primarily on branding who also got into HR matters and employee experience, and now a creative director for an in-house digital marketing creatives team.
As I transitioned from one role to the next, I’ve developed a healthy learning mindset from being in a constant state of absorbing new knowledge. I became intentional in everything I do no matter how small the task is. I’ve developed the skill of formulating systems to help me solve problems and address ambiguous challenges, and the skill of learning the language and behaviour of different fields and functions. I’ve learned how to be flexible and adapt to the environment I am in. All in all, my collective experience taught me how to evolve— by instinct.
This instinct enabled me to lead the growth of a newly formed in-house creative team by establishing standardized systems and ways of working to meet our targets while keeping two things as top priorities: maintaining a great relationship within our ecosystem and keeping a healthy work-life balance. Reflecting on what we’ve accomplished and yet to achieve, I saw the latest evolution stage I went through and recognized the existence of a new “organism” thriving in me— one embodying a Creative/DesignOps mindset. This discovery gave me a quick flashback sequence— much like the visuals of Big Bang Theory’s OBB running through my brain, but of my journey and everything I’ve learned thus far. While I’ve reached the accumulation of my past experiences, I know I’m far from done. In fact, I may just have begun a whole new timeline focused on Creative/DesignOps and I’m thrilled for this adventure.
To add a little more about myself, my childhood dream was to become an astronaut, I am an introvert, an athlete, a science geek, a proud cat mom, a huge fan of Disney, Harry Potter, Neil Gaiman, and Tim Burton, and just a human-at-work constantly trying to find ways to be more human at work.
You can judge me by my favourite book covers on Literal :)
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